by CAwindsurf | Feb 22, 2017 | CA News, travel, wave |
Photo essay sent in from Petter Sevenius and friends on there recent windsurf trip to Cabo Verde. Looks like a great time!...
by CAwindsurf | Apr 12, 2014 | CA News, team, travel, wave |
New vid edit from Uk rider Jack Hunt and his recent trip to the epicly long waves of Peru. Not the place to go if your legs get wobbly after a couple of top turns – with the worlds longest lefthanders like Chicama and Pacasmayo, this is a bit of a dream...
by CAwindsurf | May 20, 2011 | CA News, travel, wave |
CA Rider Jack Hunt scored some sweet Thurso waves recently. Here’s a few words and shots from his trip. ” Thurso is in the far north east of the UK and over 700 miles away from where I live. Scotland has some world class sailing and the spur at Thurso is...
by CAwindsurf | Mar 31, 2010 | CA News, travel |
Where in the world are you and what is happening in the UK? We have been trying to make head roads into the UK, with our most recent being wave sailor Jack Hunt stepping up to be a CA Team rider, having been a CA Rider for many years. Welcome on board Jack! We would...