After last year’s quiet days the 2010 event has been a real eye opener. Big days on the water make the big nights a little less appealing is the main observation.
Briefing at 9 and then the race 90 minutes later…
James managed to remember his vest this time around and the team discovered a secret cafe with a great view of the start line. Impressive seeing 1000 windsurfers trying to cross a start line at once (see first pic). Carnage all around. Carbon Art managed to get a few people out on the water on our demo kit. The quote of the day following a demo from one of Europe’s better known faces was, “Like smoking a cigar while sipping on a gin”. Maybe not as healthy as you might like but we thought it was a great way of describing how the slalom gear feels on the water.
In between races we all hung out at the Carbon Art cabin. Not great for keeping the howling wind out but better than not having anything at all. After a few hours of clearing the sand off everything we eventually gave up and accepted we were living in the tent in a sandstorm in the Sahara.
The end of the day wrapped up at the Carbon Art villa where the kiwi contingent shared some New Zealand wines with the French. A tough audience. The rose’ got the thumbs down – too strong for the French taste buds but the Syrah was a storming success. By all accounts, this one ‘has a bright future’. Team CA put on pizzas and the French guests put on a beautiful paella – I think we’ve all a thing or two to learn those guys about food. Never mind – we make great gear for the water, they make great gear for after hours. 11pm and its lights out, James having managed to sneak away a bit early in anticipation of some big wind tomorrow. They’re talking 30+ knots and there’s a rumour flying around that we’ll see Antoine Albeau again. The French legend definitely adds some more colour to the event so it’d be great to see him again.
Further report from Anton again here.