Book your diary now ladies and gentlemen, it’s coming! The 30th anniversary of the Taranaki Wave Classic is on it’s way.
Carbon Art has been a proud main sponsor for many, many years and again will be giving you the chance to win a FREE WAVEBOARD!
As in previous years Carbon Art will be giving away a FREE WAVEBOARD of their choice to one lucky winner! Remember this is a spot prize, you don’t have to win the event, just enter and be there for the epic weekend in Taranaki.
Along with a free windsurf board there’s all sorts of other goodies to win along with the contest goodie bag including your event Tshirt. If that wasn’t enough, there’s wavesailing, there’s free bbq’s, free beers, free crap talking and a few more cold ones for good measure!
Head on over to the Taranaki Wave Classic website for entry information. Remember enter early before the deadline!