Here are some CA results after 5 rounds
Magnus Bengtsson 7
Chris Lockwood 9
Daniel Borgelind 15
Erik Larsson 16
Marcus Richardsson 17
Marcus Emanuelsson 21
Tobias Hed 28
Petter reports in ….
“More CA riders are dominating the Greek speed open in Karpathos. Chris dominates and two Swedish CA riders on 2nd and 3rd. Magnus Bengtsson have been sailing his sp40, Markus probably on something smaller than the SP53 but still a CA rider! Will be interesting to follow the guys at the World Champions. Here are the results after 7 legs …”
Some opinions on the CA Speed boards:
Erik Larsson
“First try of SP53 in light wind. Works very good in chopp”
“New personal best Alpha racing”
Daniel Borgelind
“What a board! didn’t blow much but in the small gusts it just accelerated, like sailing on ice! super”
Micael Svensson
“Damn good, personal records on the first try with the SP53, what a great board. Best board I have ever tried (I’m in love)”